
Hello there! My name is Mark Ireland and I am currently the Archdeacon of Blackburn. I moved back to Lancashire in 2016 from Shropshire, where I was vicar of All Saints Wellington with Eyton. It is great to be back in Blackburn, where I was ordained back in 1984, living two miles down the road from where I served my first curacy. When I get time off I enjoy fell-walking, skiing, cycling, learning to sail and watching the occasional Blackburn Rovers match (a triumph of hope over experience!) Most importantly I am married to Gill, with whom I love to spend time with.

20479513_10155515225838936_974584597271996482_nThis blog will be a place to share ideas and encourage discussion on things I have written or said, particularly on the themes of Making New Disciples and Mission Action Planning (if you don’t know what they are then you have come to the right place). I have recently co-authored books on both these topics. Hopefully there will be a variety of media, everything from my books, to sermons, to pictures, to articles I have written.

Click here for my Archdeacon page on the Diocese of Blackburn website where other material may be posted.

Feel free to get in touch about anything on the blog and I will try and get back to you as soon as possible.