Article, Culture, Spirituality, Travel

‘Pray not for Arab or Jew’: Reflections on a Visit to Israel/Palestine – CEN article

A few days ago I was standing in Pedu’el, an Israeli settlement close to the biblical site of Shiloh, talking to a Jewish settler, who had emigrated from the USA four years before. He pointed to the skyscrapers of Tel Aviv, clearly visible on the coast, and said, 'Now you can see why we can… Continue reading ‘Pray not for Arab or Jew’: Reflections on a Visit to Israel/Palestine – CEN article

Article, Church, Culture


A CHURCH THAT LIKES TO SAY YES General Synod got in a real muddle last week in its attempts to make it slightly less difficult for couples to marry in the church of their choice. There was an air of rose-tinted unreality about the whole debate, with stories about Hexham Abbey already having four weddings… Continue reading A CHURCH THAT LIKES TO SAY YES

Apologetics, Culture, Evangelism, Spirituality


WESTON PARK, 19-21 AUGUST 2005 A Mission Opportunity The V Festival is a rock festival, organised by Virgin Records, that takes place on the third weekend of August each year at two separate sites, one of which is Weston Park, between Telford and Stafford. The festival has been running for 10 years and attracts around… Continue reading SPIRIT TENT AT THE V FESTIVAL